Detox your body from heavy metals

In this article, you will discover how to detoxify your body from heavy metals? Why you should do this, and why heavy metals are harmful?

Where heavy metals come from?

Heavy metals enter through air, skin, and food, and heavy metals toxicity is associated with autoimmune, chronic diseases, and cancers.

The normal range of everything in your body is regulated and determined by your body itself in response to external factors.

Heavy metals are present in the soil in a certain percentage such as aluminum, mercury, lead, and cadmium, and when they increase in your body, they lead to toxicity in the body.

But there are other heavy metals when you take a small percentage of these minerals are important for the body's functions such as iron, zinc, copper, and chromium.

Lead is a toxic component and enters the body from inhaling burning gasoline smoke, from dental fillings, and aluminum from deodorants, and water pipes, mercury is found in fish, and arsenic is found in rice.

The harm of heavy metals in the body

When heavy metals are found in the body, they work as strong conductors of electricity, for example, mercury when it reaches your brain cells, it could interact with smartphones and electronic devices, so your brain warms up due to high conducting of electricity and to leads to brain damage.

The mercury and aluminum when they enter the body they stop the natural detox of the body done by the liver.

Heavy metals, ruins your glands activity, and hormones in the body, such as thyroid gland, adrenals, thymus, and leads to autoimmune diseases, nervous system disorders, like multiple sclerosis, autism, and hypothyroidism.

The aluminum in the body blocks your intercellular communication and stops chemical signals between cells.

Steps of detox

You should know first that heavy metals dissolve in fat cells inside the body, therefore, when you start a strong detox, or you start losing weight so quickly, your blood becomes toxic because all heavy metals found in your fat cells go into your blood, and this could lead to cancers, kidney or liver failure.

Therefore if you were a patient of cancer or having an autoimmune or chronic disease, you should start a free diet of sugar, gluten, milk, and dairy products before the detox by 3 months.

You should start taking chelated multimineral, and some vitamins to supply the body with the essential elements for the body detoxification, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin E, that are important to your liver and kidneys.

Natural and safe ways of detox 

You should be aware that after you start your detox if you are feeling any pain or symptoms such as headache, stomach ache, nausea... 

You should stop your detox right away and take a small break because the detox can be strong and unsafe in the beginning, and you have a high amount of toxins and heavy metals in your blood.

The first natural detoxification way that your body does is by sweating, a sauna is recommended 15 minutes twice a week and you should shower right after you finish, to not let the sweat dry on your skin because it contains heavy metals and these metals re-enter to your body through your skin.

Drink thistle milk (silymarin) herbal tea twice a day for one month to protect your liver from any damage or dysfunction.

Drink water with lemon juice, that is very important for the liver and for kidneys as well.

Drink Cilantro juice that is very important also for the detoxification of mercury and aluminum.

Use the activated charcoal is a type of medical active carbon that works like a magnet in by attracting heavy metals from the blood into the intestine to get rid of them.

Using bentonite clay could be for external use on the skin to treat psoriasis, eczema, and acne, it removes toxins from the skin and gives your skin some essential minerals.

You could use bentonite clay capsules that contain negative charges, so when orally taken they attract heavy metals, most of which are positively charged, and bentonite clay has a strong antibacterial effect.

Taking Alpha-lipoic acid, a fatty acid that cleanses the body from heavy metals and it reduces glucose level in blood and a powerful antioxidant that helps your liver to get rid of free radicals.

Taking shilajit that is a sticky black substance that comes from the Himalaya, Russia, Nepal, and Mongolia, it comes from the long term decomposition of the plant matter.

Shilajit contains important minerals, and rich in fulvic acid, and when it enters the body, the fulvic acid pulls heavy metals from cells and gives the important trace minerals to cells and it's a proven substance that fights the aging.

The recommended dose of shilajit is 100 mg per day dissolved in the water just before bedtime.

Always keep your body well hydrated by drinking more water because it is an essential component in the detoxification process.

Heavy metals detox is important to your health, but it could be harmful if it was not done safely, so what you really need is a good understanding of the concept of detoxification, and the natural ways for a healthy lifestyle...

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