A future without diseases with stem cells and exosomes

This topic is about stem cell therapy the miracle of regenerative medicine and the role of exosomes, in treating all diseases.

During the upcoming years, some diseases such as cancers, type 1 diabetes, heart, and brain strokes, and even any organ's failure in the body will disappear due to this revolutionary therapy in medicine.

Do not be surprised that all of these diseases are gonna disappear in the near future due to the new discoveries about stem cells and exosomes.

First, what are stem cells?

All the tissues and systems in the human body are composed of organs and every organ is a large group of differentiated and mature cells and each type of these cells has its own morphology and role.

Normally, stem cells are immature and undifferentiated types of cells that are responsible for organs and tissues to regenerate, so when a specific organ failure occurs in the body, the root of the problem could be that stem cells didn't replace or regenerate the damaged cells.

What Stem cells are used for and how?

Let's take an example, you lose daily  40,000 cells from your skin, and the skin regenerates itself every day, thanks to the presence of stem cells, which are immature cells, but similar to the same tissue cells.

Once the cells of some organ or tissue are dead or damaged, stem cells are stimulated and begin to mature and to differentiate, and they become identical to replace the dead or damaged cells.

Where stem cells come from?

When the fertilization takes place between the sperm and the egg, the zygote is formed, and after 5 days it becomes a form called a blastocyst that contains a section of stem cells, called embryonic stem cells that contribute to the formation of all your tissues, organs and cells of the body.

And these cells are pluripotent stem cells, this means that they could differentiate to any cell type after being stimulated by certain chemical signals, and embryonic stem cells have unique properties that the differentiation of embryonic stem cells is easy and fast and cells begin to multiply and become identical to mature and differentiated body cells.

The revolutionary technology of regenerative medicine

The Induced pluripotent stem cells or iPS cells are derived from somatic cells that are reprogrammed to transform any adult somatic cell into embryonic like pluripotent properties that are able to develop any type of cells.

These cells are already widely used to study their efficacy in treating some diseases, and they also give a chance to the development of innovative strategies in regenerative medicine and cancer immunotherapy.

This innovative technology could help patients who have any organ failure, or type 1 diabetes or patients who need any organ transplants.

What are the exosomes? And how this discovery could help in treating some diseases?

It was recently discovered that all the cells of the body communicate through specific messages carrying the genetic characteristics of your DNA, which determines the program and work of each cell type that is called exosome and it's formed from RNA chain and some protein and a fat molecule that carries the same DNA characteristics.

This exosome is released by the cell and when it is released it plays the role of a therapeutic vehicle that helps in repairing damaged cells and by giving information to distant cells about the presence of abnormal or damaged cells.

For example, when there are abnormal or cancer cells and cancer is still in the initial stages, the exosomes are sent from these cells, and they can be detected through saliva or urine, so thanks to exosomes presence the early detection is easy and the treatment will be more efficient. 

Regenerative medicine consists of reprogramming the exosomes in vitro and re-injecting them to help in the regeneration process.

In the future, this therapy could be used to treat some diseases such as Alzheimer's and to stimulate the damaged brain cells to regenerate because brain cells are very mature and differentiated cells and do not regenerate.

Also, it is recently discovered that exosomes have many growth factors properties.

Therefore, in the upcoming years, these developments will change the world and some diseases could disappear...

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