Health benefits of exercise you don't expect

In this article, you will not know the regular information that you used to hear before about exercise and the benefits of exercise for maintaining or losing weight and for your heart but rather than this we will talk about exercise from a different perspective.

Here's a list of health benefits of exercise:

Muscle building:

You must first correct a misconception about muscle building because when most of the people think about muscle building that you will be in the bulky and muscular shape like bodybuilders which is wrong

This requires a long time and advanced training programs with a very specialized diet and using hormones.

Muscle building is about increasing your muscle mass that improves your health, increases your metabolic rate, and improves your shape.

Muscle building is done by lifting weights because lifting weights stimulates the nerves to give orders to the muscle mass to grow to increase the ability of your muscles to carry a new heavier weight that is not used to it.

Any muscle mass gain will lead automatically to fat loss because when you have a higher muscle mass you will need more energy which taken from fat, noting that muscle tissue is a metabolically active tissue that requires a lot of energy continuously.

Stress relief and mental state:

One of the health benefits of exercise is that it reduces stress levels because after every physical exercise GABA is released, which is an important neurotransmitter that helps in improving sleep and promotes relaxation that is needed to reduce your stress levels.

Exercise will increase immediately the neurotransmitters of happiness, such as dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins, which are all released during exercise.

Hormonal balance:

Exercise will help in lowering the insulin resistance that occurs due to metabolic syndrome and causes diabetes and insulin to become unable to transfer glucose from the blood to cells.

Exercise is a natural booster for insulin and increases the insulin response and insulin becomes more effective in reducing your glucose level and therefore you do not need a high level of Insulin to reduce your glucose levels.

Exercise is important in reducing pain and mood swings for women by controlling the hormonal fluctuations of estrogen and progesterone that occur during the menstrual cycle.

As for men, exercise will increase the testosterone level naturally,

Exercise increases the level of growth hormone in your body, which is important for the regeneration of your body.

Improving brain functions, learning, and memory:

Exercise is important to your brain functions by stimulating one of the growth factors for your brain called brain derived neurotrophic factors (BDNF), and especially the frontal, and temporal lobe.

Exercise will increase your memorization and learning increases and this helps in the prevention of aging and diseases like Alzheimer's.

Some guidelines to benefit from exercise

It is enough to exercise 3 times per week in case you had not much time to workout.

You always make sure to raise your heart rate by doing cardio or not resting for long periods between the sets.

Your physical activity during the day can also be complementary to benefit from exercise, like walking instead of using transportation and using the stairs instead Of the elevator.

You must know that every new habit is done by changing your lifestyle and it is not that easy, it needs commitment, consistency and dedication to succeed and you must be convinced that changing your habits is for your own good and of course, it is never too late but the younger the age, the better the results, and especially in exercise...

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