Candida overgrowth, reasons, symptoms, and treatment

In this article, you will know what is the candida and the candida overgrowth, what are the reasons for it, and the symptoms and how to treat it without medication?

What is Candida?

Candida is a type of fungi that lives inside the gut, and it helps in keeping the natural balance of the gut microbiome and good digestive system activity and immune system support.

What are the reasons for candida overgrowth?

Weak immune system:

Candida is living in a yeast form, but once the immune system weakens, the Candida takes the opportunity and begins to grow and becomes a resistant fungal infection which is difficult to treat.

Damaged microbiome:

After antibiotics treatments, your microbiome bacteria will be destroyed and then the candida also takes the opportunity and start to grow.

Unhealthy food and unbalanced diet:

Fungi prefer dark, cold, and humid places to live in.

Sugar and cold beverages are the best food for the candida that contributes to the candida overgrowth.

What are the symptoms of candida overgrowth?

  • The leaky gut syndrome is the first result of candida overgrowth because candida grows roots that go through the whole intestine and creates leaks in the intestine

  • Food intolerance and food allergies due to the leaky gut

  • Autoimmune diseases,

  • Frequent sleep

  • Lack of energy

  • The appearance of white spots on the tongue

  • White skin rash

What is the treatment of candida overgrowth?

The first phase of treatment (7-10 days):

You should start to rebuild your ruined digestive system from the beginning, you must start the cleansing of the digestive system:

Drinking bone broth and eating only boiled or steamed vegetables.

The bone broth is rich in collagen and contains glycine, which is an amino acid that is very important for building processes for all tissues in the body, including the intestine, to heal the leaks in the intestine.

The vegetables will give your body the essential vitamins and minerals.

The second phase of treatment(1-3 months):

You must know that candida overgrowth is a resistant fungal infection and needs time for treatment.

Avoid eating all these food categories all types of sugar, gluten, and milk because they will cause fatigue and damage to the intestine, which is already damaged by the candida overgrowth.

It is recommended to start at the beginning with a healthy diet with very low carbohydrates like the carnivore diet and to know more information about the carnivore diet you can review the previous article about the carnivore diet or a ketogenic diet.

In the worst case, you can start with a low carb diet that contains high quality of carbohydrates, and to know more about the high-quality carbohydrates, you can review the previous article about the low carb diet.

Supply your immune system with essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc.

Sleep enough hours in a good quality of sleep and exercise daily are important for the treatment of all diseases, including candida overgrowth.

Taking a probiotic supplement to improve the microbiome to let the bacteria reduce the candida overgrowth.

The bacteria inside your gut will be fermenting some foods that release some components that stop the growth of candida.

Some natural remedies to help you get rid of candida overgrowth and to improve the health of your intestine:

Celery juice in the morning on an empty stomach helps you in cleansing your digestive system.

Cabbage tea is done by boiling cabbage leaves in water and drink it on an empty stomach and it is important for your liver and digestive system.

Red beets juice, but only a 1/3 of a cup because it contains glucose and fructose, it is important to stimulate your liver, pancreas, and spleen, which is important to get rid of candida overgrowth.

Coconut butter contains lauric acid, which has an antifungal effect on the candida.

Thyme essential oil medicinal grade have the ability to get rid of Candida and harmful fungi,

Pau d'Arco herbal tea is very effective to eliminate candida.

Frankincense essential oil medicinal grade has an incredible ability to repair the digestive system.

You should always know that unhealthy nutrition and lifestyle can be the reason for many diseases and turning the beneficial side of some microorganisms into the harmful side and this will lead to some serious health issues that are difficult to treat like the candida overgrowth...


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