Get rid of water retention in simple steps

In this article, you will know all about water retention, what is water retention, and what are the reasons for water retention? And how to get rid of water retention?

What is water retention?

Water retention is an excess of water that is trapped inside the body which the body can not get rid of for many reasons that lead to a swelling in your face and feet and a higher blood pressure.

What are the reasons for water retention?

Water retention could be a symptom caused by some serious health issues:

cardiomyopathy that is a disease in which your heart muscle becomes progressively weaker and unable to pump the blood to all your body parts so the fluids will start to precipitate in your feet.

Alcoholism leads to dehydration in the body and this leads to water retention and the body starts to accumulate water in order to protect you from dehydration. 

Kidney dysfunction or kidney failure can be a reason for water retention because your kidneys will be unable to get rid of excess water inside your body.

Other non-serious reasons for water retention:

The carbohydrates can be the reason for water retention, you must know that if you consume a large amount of sugar and starches the glucose will be stored in the body as glycogen in the liver, and this glycogen is reused when you need energy.

The glucose molecule has the ability to bind with water molecules, and one glucose molecule binds with 4 water molecules.

Therefore, any diet that contains a high amount of sugar and carbohydrates, causes water retention.

The increased level of some hormones such as cortisol and estrogen. High levels of these hormones lead to increasing the sodium level, and sodium holds the water.

Frequent use of table salt that is sodium chloride is one of the components that directly causes retention for the water inside your body. 

The maximum recommended daily dose of table salt should not exceed 1 teaspoon.

You have to drink at least 3 liters of water in return for 1 teaspoon of table salt to get rid of the excess of sodium.

Not drinking enough water leads to water retention in the body because you do not give it the necessary amount of water and that's why the body will hold the water in order to protect you from dehydration. 

How to get rid of water retention?

Drink plenty of water, because this allows the body to know that there is an abundance of water, so the body takes its needs from water and get rid of the excess.

Avoid eating a large amount of sugar, starches, and sodium.

Parsley is a herb that can help you in treating water retention by relating the excess of water but without losing sodium, by maintaining the normal level of sodium, you can eat parsley or drink it as juice.

Asparagus is also very important to get rid of excess sodium, so it is useful in patients with high blood pressure caused by the high level of sodium.

Dandelion herbal tea is also important to get rid of the excess of water and sodium and only after drinking after one cup.

Exercising is very important because physical activity requires muscle contraction and this process helps to get rid of excess water.

You should always be drinking enough water because water is the element of life and more than 60% of your body is water so it is one of the vital elements for life and for you...

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