The health basics that no one tells you about

In this article, you will be able to correct many common misconceptions in the health and nutrition fields that no one talks about even by specialists and this information may be shocking to some people.

The importance of calcium and the toxicity of cow's milk

This issue is about drinking cow's milk to get calcium, and we already talked about the toxicity of cow's milk in the article: Don't drink cows milk anymore, and how cows milk can leads to osteoporosis, unlike what you hear about drinking milk for better and stronger bones and teeth structure. 

Calcium is more abundant in many foods other than milk without causing any toxicity to the body and like sesame seeds, sesame tahini, berries, pepper and vegetables, and types of fermented dairy products like mozzarella cheese and yogurt

Calcium is a very important and essential mineral for fighting cancers via the apoptosis process, and for muscle contraction including the heart muscle.

What you must know before taking any of calcium supplements that most people do not have a lack of calcium, but there are other reasons which reduce the absorption of calcium like the proportions of other minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and sodium

The best types of calcium supplements are calcium citrate, and it is recommended to be taken with your main meal, and calcium carbonate, that should be taken on an empty stomach.

It is recommended to take calcium supplements in order to prevent osteoporosis after the age of 40 for women and for men after the age of 60.

In case of taking any calcium supplement, it is recommended to take a vitamin K2 supplement that is responsible for the transmission of calcium from your blood to the bones directly, otherwise, the risk of arteriosclerosis will increase, and the calcium will be deposited in the heart and blood vessels.

Therefore the calcium index has become the first indicator of cardiovascular disease and not cholesterol as many of you thought for long periods.

The magnesium importance to your body and why you should take magnesium to prevent the calcium intoxication?

The other important mineral that no one tells you about that is needed daily by the body to perform many processes that can reach up to 300 or 400.

Unlike calcium, most people have a magnesium deficiency because magnesium and calcium work in the opposite way to the action of each other, and one of them increases, the other decreases.

That's why both magnesium and calcium should be existing in the right balance in your body.

Calcium is responsible for muscle contraction and magnesium contributes to muscle relaxation.

Magnesium is important for better insulin response and is also important for patients with high blood pressureconstipationhigh level of stress, and muscle cramps.

The daily recommended dose of magnesium is 400 mg.

The vegetables contain the right balance between calcium and magnesium, but you need to take vegetables in large amounts to fill your daily needs of magnesium.

The importance of potassium for the body and the gastric acid strength which is essential for minerals absorption in the body

Potassium is one of the most important macro minerals for the body because you need approximately  4,5 grams of potassium daily and it is important for controlling blood pressure and the electrical impulses in the body, the brain, and other organs.

Potassium is an essential element for your gastric acid that is the main factor that contributes to the absorption of minerals.

Therefore potassium is very important for the digestion of proteins that are digested inside the stomach and for building muscle mass.

You must know that reflux is an indicator of a weak gastric acid unlike what most people think that a strong gastric lead to reflux, but the truth is that the reflux in the esophagus is caused by weak gastric acid.

The Ph of gastric acid which is composed of hydrochloric acid HCl is 1 this means that it is a very strong acid and this strong acidity of the gastric acid is the main factor that closes the opening between the esophagus and the stomach.

When you have a weak gastric does that have a Ph between 2 or 3 the esophagus canal remains open and the gastric acid will leak out of the stomach and cause you irritation and burn in your esophagus.

The treatment is to drink a glass of water with 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar in the morning on an empty stomach and evening before bedtime.

Potassium is important for the serotonin synthesis and absorption which is an important neurotransmitter for mood regulation and happiness and without enough potassium serotonin will not be absorbed.

Potassium is highly found in avocado, spinach, green vegetables, potatoes, and egg yolk, but the most abundant potassium quantity is found in red beet's leaves.

The role and importance of sodium to the body

Sodium is also one of the macro minerals and you need around 1.5 grams of sodium and this amount should not be exceeded otherwise the high level of sodium will start leading to some health issues such as water retention, and higher blood pressure.

You must know that 1 teaspoon of table salt contains more sodium than your daily needs, therefore, you should reduce your intake of table salt because it contains a lot of sodium like all processed foods, bread, and canned food.

Using organic sea salt in moderation or Himalayan salt because it contains sodium with other minerals like magnesium and potassium so they adjust each other when absorbed by the body to give you the right balance

If the level of sodium increases, this will affect your heart, your blood vessels, your brain, and your nerves. 

In the end, you should not rely on blood tests for minerals range in the blood because these tests do not give an accurate image of the health state because and what matters more than the minerals range in the blood is the amount of these minerals in the cells and tissues.

You should be relying on the symptoms more than the blood tests.

You should always stay in a good health state by maintaining a healthy stomach and eating a lot of vegetables and by doing check-up to any nutritional deficiencies that can lead to serious and severe health issues and diseases...


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