Health risks of iodine deficiency

This article is about the role of iodine and its importance to the body, and what are the symptoms when having a lack of iodine to health and how this problem can lead to some diseases that you did not know before that are related to a lack of iodine? and what are the natural sources rich in iodine, and what is the daily recommended dose? 

The role and importance  of iodine

It is one of the important trace minerals to the body and enters in several functions.

Iodine is important for the thyroid gland function because the number of iodine atoms inside the molecules of thyroid hormones determines the function and type of your thyroid hormones T3 (3 atoms of iodine) or T4 (4 atoms of iodine)

Iodine is important to produce energy in all cells of your body, and it is also important for your hormonal balance.

Iodine is important for the health of testicles in men and the ovaries in women.

Iodine is also important for fighting cancers because iodine+vitamin D are both important for controlling and stopping the factors that lead to genetic mutations that cause cancers, especially stomach and breast cancers.

Iodine is important, during pregnancy for the embryo's normal development and to prevent mental retardation.

What are the symptoms of iodine deficiency?

Hormonal imbalances in the body, fatigue, lack of energy, concentration problems,  foggy thinkingand dry mouth 

What is the daily recommended dose of iodine?

The daily recommended dose for iodine is 0.15 mg as it is said, but this value is not actually accurate, because, in many countries which their diets are based on seafood, the individual consumes on average 15 mg of iodine.

This is a hundred times more the value of the recommended dose of iodine and this amount will not cause you any poisoning because any excess of iodine will be released water.

Iodine is not so effective without the help of another essential mineral which is selenium.

It is always recommended to eat food or take a supplement that contains both selenium and iodine together.

You must know that iodine belongs to a family of elements present in the periodic table of elements like chlorine, fluorine, and bromine because they have the same number of electrons and they are all toxic and the body does not need them except iodine.

And when you have a lack of iodine the risk of poisoning by these elements will increase because of their high similarities, and these elements are found around us like the fluorine in the toothpaste, chlorine is found in all houses and used for the sterilization and in swimming pools, and bromine is used for some fabrics like clothes and carpets.

What really happens is that bromine affects the thyroid gland function that is used by the gland to synthesize the hormones, but these hormones will not be effective so will have the same symptoms of hypothyroidism like weight gain, slower metabolic rate, and hair loss, fatigue and lack of energy and even when doing a blood test for your thyroid hormones, they will be in the normal ranges.

What are the sources of iodine?

You must know that a weak gastric acid will not let your body to absorb the iodine and other minerals, so you must fix your stomach to have good absorption of iodine.

Seaweed like kelp and other types of seaweed are the best natural sources of iodine.

Fish and shellfish like tuna, cod, and oysters are good sources of iodine.

You should know that if table salt is iodized but it still not considered as a healthy source of iodine,  because you need a high amount of salt top to fulfill your daily needs of iodine,  this iodine added to table salt is synthetic and poor quality iodine.

Organic sea salt and Himalayan salt are better sources of iodine than the table salt.

In case you live in a place where seaweed and seafood are not found in the market or it is too expensive for you it is necessary to use a supplement of iodine because you have to be eating seafood between 2 to 3 times per week.

Lugol's iodine is the best and safest iodine supplement and has a high bioavailability which is a liquid form of iodine solution that is used by applying it directly on your skin.

You put one drop or two on each hand wrist and this solution will leave a yellow pigmentation on your skin where it was applied and it will disappear in a while because the body will suck the iodine through your skin.

Iodine is an essential trace mineral for your health and lots of your glands functions, so the deficiency of iodine will lead to some serious health issues and diseases...

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