How to maintain your weight in quarantine?

This topic is about a crisis many have suffered from and are still suffering during the quarantine which is weight gain, because of closed gyms, what should you do to maintain your weight without exercise? We will give you some tips on how not to gain weight during the quarantine.

Here are some tips to help you maintain your weight while gyms are closed:


Sleep, your sleep should be well organized and to be at night and not during the day to keep your cortisol at its normal level, therefore, you will have less fat storage and weight gain.

Physical activity:

Physical activity is very important like walking, jumping rope, or practicing a hobby such as dancing or yoga, for example, to use stairs and do not sit for a long time.

Healthy diet ( nutritious and low-calorie food):

Your diet must be depending on nutritious and low-calorie food like protein and vegetables, the protein is essential to maintain your muscle mass and to not feel hungry for longer periods because the digestion of protein takes time.

Vegetables give your body the essential vitamins and minerals.

For athletic people, it is advised to take whey protein shake because the energy needed to digest it is more than the calories that it gives 

You can eat a good source of fat but pay attention that fat is high in calories.

Avoid eating starches, fruits, and sugar to keep your insulin level low as much as you can.

Reduce the number of your meals per day:

It is preferable to reduce the number of your meals as much as you because when you have more meals per day it will become more difficult to control the caloric intake.

Snacks are allowed in case you felt hungry but pay attention to not exceed your daily calories, you can eat punch of nuts or a salad or drink vegetable juice.

Drinking apple cider vinegar:

Drink 1 glass of water with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar right before your meal and right after not only because it improves your stomach acid, but because it lowers the glucose level in the blood, and so the insulin does not elevate.

Using drinks that boost your metabolism:

Use metabolism booster drinks, such as green tea, or ginger after your meal by 3 hours.

Improve your digestion:

Improve your bowel and digestion to increase the absorption of minerals and vitamins by taking a probiotic supplement that keeps your bowels healthy and relaxed.

Intermittent fasting:

Start doing intermittent fasting because it helps in reducing your appetite and increasing your fat-burning and to relieve the digestive system.

You can only eat for 6 to 8 hours and for the rest of the day you do not eat anything and you can only drink water.

We hope that the information was useful and helpful to help you maintain your weight as much as possible during the quarantine and while the gyms are still closed...


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