The toxicity of sugar

Today we will talk about sugar, which is one of the most toxic components to your body, and responsible of most of the diseases and you must know that the major propaganda of advertising and marketing for some new natural or artificial sweeteners is only for financial purpose because, in the end, it is still sugar and cause you the same harm as white sugar does.

The harm of sugar

After eating sugar, your immune system will be weaker by 50%.

Your microbiome will be destroyed due to the reproduction of bacteria that love and require sugar as their preferable food instead of other types of bacteria that prefer vegetables.

When your immune system is weak and your microbiome is imbalanced you will be prone to many diseases and disorders such as candida overgrowth, leaky gut syndrome, and autoimmune diseases.

The sugar increases your level of inflammation up to 60-70% in the body, which is also the best food for bacteria and cancer cells, 

Eating sugar elevates the mucus production in the body.

Due to the weak immune system thanks to sugar, you will catch a common cold or the seasonal flu more frequently.

What happens to your body when eating and why is sugar toxic? 

What happens inside the body when eating any type of sugar is that all types, when digested, will be transformed into glucose the most simple molecule that composes sugar. 

Because glucose causes toxicity in your blood and should not remain high in the blood, therefore, there is a hormone intended for transporting the glucose from the blood into the cells, which is the insulin, so when your glucose level increases in the blood your insulin level will be also increased.

You must know that every type of sugar or artificial sweeteners increases your insulin level, regardless of the shape, the color, or the name of the sugar.

What happens in the body when the insulin level is increased?

What happens when your level of insulin is high is that you become more prone to obesity, and weight gain because insulin stops the signals of fullness to reach your brain.

High level of insulin leads to insulin resistance, where insulin cannot enter the glucose into the cells as before and you become  prone to type 2 diabetes,

A high level of insulin increases the oxidation of cholesterol and you become more prone to arteriosclerosis and blood clots, and high blood pressure

What are the substitutes of sugar?

You must know that both of white sugar and brown sugar are from the same sources and contain the same calories, but the only difference is that white sugar is refined and bleached, and all types of sugar have the same toxicity such as coconut sugar, corn syrup, and maypole syrup because all these types raise your insulin.

What about the artificial sweeteners?

Unfortunately, all artificial sweeteners cause the same harm as sugar does, but the only natural substitute that is the safest to use is stevia because it is not processed and it is extracted directly from the stevia plant that gives a sweet taste without calories and does not elevate the level of insulin as sugar does.

All types of artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, saccharine, and maltodextrin have the same ability to increase the level of insulin because the sensory cells of the tongue send signals to the brain to secrete insulin when they sense any taste of sweetness.

Artificial sweeteners are processed chemicals that do not contain any calories and sweeten more than white sugar.

These artificial sweeteners ruin your microbiome and make your immune system weaker and lead to bowel disorders.

What can you use as a sweetener?

In case you are not a diabetic or a cancer patient you can use a half date fruit that can be used to sweeten tea or coffee or to use a teaspoon of organic honey.

In order to prevent many diseases, you should start to reduce your sugar intake and not to be always depending on the taste of sweetness...

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