Top myths about weight loss

This topic is about myths and misconceptions that a lot of people and even specialists still believe about diets and about losing weight that does not let you reach your goal and to be in the best version of yourself that you are looking for.

Here's a list of the top myths about losing weight

Eating up to 5 or 6 meals instead of 1 or 2 meals to lose weight:

The concept behind this idea is that the more you eat the more your body will need more energy to be always digesting food every 3 to 4 hours but this concept is totally wrong.

A larger number of meals increase insulin levels and the more insulin levels in the blood the more weight gain and fat storage in the body.

The high level of insulin is the main reason for weight gain and to store fat.

Otherwise, intermittent fasting will increase the fat burning in our body to the maximum even while sleep.

The lower the weight the better is the result and it is criteria of wellness and health:

Associating between weight value and wellness means whenever your weight value ​​is low your health is better and this is completely wrong and not criteria of health and wellness.

It is possible for a thin person which low in weight and thin, to have a type of obesity called metabolic obesity when his muscle mass is low but he has a high percentage of fats compared to his weight or that his triglycerides level is high in the blood.

Therefore, the criteria of wellness are the low percentage of visceral fat and low triglycerides levels in the blood and weight.

There is no general rule for weight to all people, there are individual differences between people related to hormones, age, diet, and lifestyle, and the human body is intelligent enough to set your ideal weight when you live a healthy lifestyle and you give it all the essential vitamins, and minerals.

Zero calories and zero sugar soft drinks do not let you gain weight:

Drinking sugar-free and artificially sweetened soft drinks will stop your weight loss by affecting the brain cells because when your stomach is full and the sensory cells in your tongue sense the taste of sweetness from the artificial sweeteners your brain sends signals to activate your digestive system to activate it.

The insulin will be also secreted even though there is no glucose in the blood and this will ruin your brain function concerning the signals of hunger and fullness.

The better alternatives for soft drinks are water, any vegetable juice, and any herbal tea

You must do cardio exercise to lose weight:

This concept is completely wrong because it is possible to lose weight while not doing cardio exercise.

Instead of cardio, you can do weights lifting exercises and gain muscles, and so you will lose weight and burn fat.

You should always be on a calorie deficit no matter the source of calories that you're taking:

You must know that the source of calories is way more important than the number of calories and most of the diets were based on the number of calories and the calorie deficit only without caring much about the source of calories that must enter the body.

To understand this concept you should know that the body reacts differently depending on the source of calories, for example, the energy of 1000 calories from sweets and sugar is very different than the energy of 1000 calories from meat and vegetable meal and of course, the body does not deal even with same calorie intake in the same way.

Therefore, it is recommended not to count your calories as much as to look for nutrients like vitamins and minerals inside food and not only calories.

Your weight is controlled and determined by genes and you cannot change your shape:

It is completely wrong that you cannot lose weight and be fit or athletic because of your genes and some of your family members are suffering from obesity.

What really controls the body is not genetics but epigenetics, which is the science behind genetics that represents the study of all external and internal factors that you are exposing yourself to and this will affect some of your genes to inhibit or stimulate some functions and programs inside your body.

So, actually, it is you that controls your genes.

We hope that the information was clear enough and useful to help you to improve your lifestyle and health...

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