The danger of antibiotics and bacterial resistance

The danger of antibiotics and bacterial resistance

In this article, we will talk about how and when to use antibiotics and when antibiotics become harmful and lead to bacterial resistance, and what are the side effects of antibiotics on the body?

What are antibiotics?

The discovery of antibiotics and penicillin in the 1920s was very important and made a revolution in medicine, the antibiotics were and still used to kill bacteria and to treat the strong bacterial infections.

When antibiotics are used?

Strong bacterial infection: antibiotics are used when you have any strong bacterial 

Weak immune system: when you have a weak immune system that is unable to fight bacterial infections you must take an antibiotic.

After any hospital surgery: because the bacteria found in hospitals are usually strong and adapted to live in well-sterilized areas like hospitals.

How antibiotics kill bacteria?

Some of the antibiotics kill bacteria by stopping their metabolism and then bacteria will die, other antibiotics stop their reproduction and the rest of antibiotics will surround the bacteria and block the spread of bacteria.

How and when the bacterial resistance occurs?

Once the antibiotic enters the body it will start fighting the bacteria but a section of the bacteria will remain intact and do not die and these bacteria will have experience with this antibiotic.

Therefore, the antibiotic will be no longer effective when it is reused to treat the infection and this is what is called the bacterial resistance.

The bacterial resistance is when the plasmid which is a particle inside the cell of bacteria is moving the bacteria directly to another bacterial cell and transmitting the experience of the resistant bacteria to other bacteria which will become also resistant to antibiotics.

and there are other types of bacteria that when dying the living bacteria eat them and take information in their DNA and know all the history, and get all the information and the experience of the dead bacteria.

How to avoid the harm of antibiotics and bacterial resistance?

Do not ever take any antibiotics without a medical prescription.

Do not use antibiotics to cure the viral infections or any inflammation in the body not resulting from a bacterial infection.

When you take an antibiotic you must complete the full course of treatment, because if the treatment was interrupted before the end of the course, not all the bacteria will die and this will give resistance to the remaining bacteria.

You may feel better even without completing the treatment course but this because the bacteria is weakened only and not dead yet.

You can also take antibiotics without knowing if you were consuming any food or products from farms where they give all animals antibiotics as prevention for spreading the infections.

How to fix the harm of antibiotics to the body?

First, you must know that there are two types of antibiotics, specific and a wide range type that kills most of the bacteria types even the gut microbiome, which is very important for digestion, absorption of vitamins and minerals, and immune system support.

It is always recommended to take a probiotic supplement on an empty stomach to restore the balance of the gut microbiome and to eat some prebiotics like vegetables to feed these bacteria.

Take a zinc supplement to strengthen the immunity and help your body recover, 50 mg of zinc per day before bedtime.

Take 1 gram of omega 3 for 10 days to reduce inflammation.

Antibiotics are very important for health and to fight the danger of bacterial infections, but it becomes extremely dangerous if used in the wrong way and timing...


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