Health benefits of spirulina

Health benefits of spirulina

In this article, we are going to talk about spirulina and its health benefits.

What is spirulina?

Spirulina is derived from a class of bacteria called cyanobacteria that is found in nature in freshwater lakes as green-blue algae and spirulina is green biomass extracted from the bacteria.

Spirulina is considered one of the superfoods due to its amazing and high nutritional value, it contains protein more than red meat, more iron than beef liver, more calcium than dairy, more magnesium than vegetables, and more antioxidants than berries.

What are the health benefits of spirulina?

Treatment for anemia:

Due to the high level of iron in spirulina, it can be used as a treatment for anemia by increasing the level of iron and ferritin in your blood.

Strong antioxidant:

Spirulina is rich antioxidants such as selenium that help to get rid of free radicals and toxins and to prevent cancer and glutathione that is important for your liver function, for the treatment of cirrhosis in the early stages, and for any viral infection that is affecting the liver.

Diabetes type 2 treatment:

It has been proved that spirulina can cure diabetes type 2 within two months, by reducing and restoring the glucose level to its normal level in the blood.

Essential for your nervous system:

Spirulina is beneficial for the health of the nervous system and the brain because it is high in B complex vitamins.

Energy booster:

Spirulina is used as an energy booster, so it is recommended to take it in the morning and not before bedtime.

Protection from radioactively contaminated areas:

Spirulina protects against radioactive contamination, especially for the people who are exposed to radiation like radiologists in hospitals.

Heavy metals detoxification:

Spirulina can be used to detoxify your body from heavy metals, and especially arsenic.

Increasing the alkalinity of the body:

Spirulina contains chlorophyll that helps in increasing the alkalinity of the body and the oxygenation of all your cells.

Treatment of sinuses:

Spirulina can be used to treat sinuses and to get rid of it within 1 week

Natural anti-inflammatory:

Spirulina has some antiinflammatory effects by reducing the level of inflammation in the body.

What is the best source of spirulina?

You must know that when there is a high level of toxins in the water when the cyanobacteria live, it will produce a toxin called myrosin.

so when you decide to buy a spirulina supplement, it should be is from an organic, trusted, and certified source.

The best source is from the Hawaiian area.

Nature is full of lots of superfoods like spirulina that have a higher nutritional value than ordinary foods and have huge therapeutic effects on the body...

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