Varicose veins and hemorrhoids, causes, and treatment without medications

Varicose veins and hemorrhoids, causes, and treatment without medications

This article talks about varicose veins and hemorrhoids, what are varicose veins, and what are the reasons that lead to them and the natural treatment without any medication?

What are varicose veins?

Let's talk about the circulatory system that contains arteries and veins the arteries take blood from the heart to the organs and the veins return the blood in another direction to the heart.

The blood pump in the arteries is a strong, easy, and fast pump because it is done by the heart and the blood reaches all the organs and areas of the body and arteries have some epithelium cells that promote some elastic properties to the arteries to expand and to narrow when needed.

As for veins, the blood needs to return in one direction from the organs to the heart to be oxygenated and to be repumped again by the heart.

The veins contain valves unlike the arteries and sometimes the blood flow changes its direction or takes more time to return to the heart inside the valves.

A defect may occur in the valves inside the veins, and there will be a change of the blood flow direction and this leads to a visible larger size of veins on the skin and this is varicose veins.

What are the main reasons for the varicose veins and hemorrhoids?

Liver dysfunction:

The liver is the filter in which the veins pass through to do the detoxification process from the blood to get rid of free radicals, toxins, and heavy metals, so if there is any dysfunction in the liver it will take more time for the blood to return to the heart and varicose veins might occur.

Chronic constipation:

The reason for the delay in the return of blood from the veins that leads to hemorrhoids may be caused by chronic constipation and you can review the article of constipation(Cure constipation in simple steps)

deficiency of copper and vitamin C:

Copper and vitamin C are essential components to prevent varicose veins in small veins.


The embryo causes a delayed return of the blood inside the veins to the pregnant woman

Difficult job situations:

Standing for a long time in difficult jobs that require standing for long hours, this leads to a problem with the valves of the veins.

What is the treatment of varicose veins?

Kaolin poultice combined with lead acetate:

Kaolin poultice is an anti-swelling and anti-inflammatory with lead acetate powder, the treatment is by mixing these components together in 2 halves and the kaolin concentration should be between 0,5% and 5%.

You should pay attention that leads acetate should not be used if you have heavy metal poisoning or if you are in the process of losing weight or doing any detox.

Use this blend between 3 and 6 days twice per day in the morning and evening by applying it directly to the hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

Filling any nutritional gap of copper and vitamin C:

Vitamin C complex and copper are essential for preventing varicose veins but you must take a vitamin C complex that is different than ascorbic acid only because it is one of the components of vitamin C and if you take only ascorbic acid it will increase glaucoma in the blood.

Vitamin C complex should be combined with a supplement of chelated copper and within 2 or 3 weeks the varicose veins and hemorrhoids will start to disappear.

Physical activity and exercise:

When you do any physical exercise the muscles will help the veins to pump the blood because the veins cannot stretch and relax like the muscles and the arteries do.

Therefore the muscle will have a complimentary job to help to return the blood inside the veins to the heart that's why the muscles are called peripheral heart because it contracts and relaxes and helps in returning blood to the heart.

The best types of exercises are squats and deadlifts.

Varicose veins are a common problem that faces lots of people around the world but it can be treated if you start to deal with the roots of this problem...


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