Stress causes, benefits, and how to get rid of stress?

Stress causes, benefits, how to get rid of stress? 

In this article, you will know about stress which is a problem that affects all people from all levels and backgrounds worldwide. We will talk about what happens in your body when you are exposed to a high level of stress and how to reduce it in easy steps?

What is stress? And what are the physiological effects of stress?

Stress is a physiological and psychological state of the body when your body will not be able to adapt and to function right after being exposed to external problems on a social and economic level, and to psychological problems such as fear and anxiety, for many reasons.

The high level of stress in the body leads to the secretion of the stress hormone cortisol by the adrenal glands and cortisol has a beneficial and important role in the body.

What is a healthy stress and cortisol role in the body?

The cortisol, when secreted, controls your blood pressure, controls the glucose levels in the blood, adjusts the brain functions such as memory and concentration, boosts the immune system, and inhibits the action of adrenaline, which increases after feeling anxious and disturbed.

When cortisol levels increase to a certain level there will be an increase in the secretion of oxytocin.

Oxytocin is the hormone of love, that is secreted in intimate and emotional situations or in case of any physical contact with a person you love, and the oxytocin, helps you to relax and to reduce your blood pressure.

This hormonal balance in the body helps you stay in a state of balance that's why, when stress is at a certain and moderate level in the body it can before your own good by protecting you from diseases.

How the high levels of stress affect the body?

When your stress level is always high this leads to high cortisol levels and this chronic stress and high cortisol levels lead to some diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes type 2, lack of sexual desire, food cravings, obesity, increased visceral fat, lack of sleep, chronic fatigue, lack of energy and even after waking up directly.

The most important issue caused by chronic stress is the weakening of the immune system and therefore you will have viral and bacterial infections more frequently.

How to get rid of stress and reduce cortisol?

Here are some positive ways to deal with stress

First, you should be completely convinced that any problem has a solution.

It is also recommended to ask for help from a friend, colleague, or person who has previous experience with the same issue that you are going through and this will help you reduce the side effects of cortisol and increase the secretion of oxytocin.

After all, building successful social relationships is very important for physical and psychological health.

The natural remedies to get rid of stress

Reduce your caffeine intake because it increases the secretion of cortisol in the body.

Drinking ashwagandha herbal tea or taking an ashwagandha supplement to help you reduce your cortisol levels and will let your nervous system be more relaxed and increase your sexual desire and raises your concentration, treats depression, and contributes to muscle building.

Eating dark chocolate that should not be less than 85% cocoa butter and unsweetened because it is rich in tryptophan and magnesium, which is important for reducing stress levels.

Reduce the intake of sugar and other carbohydrates because carbohydrates will increase your insulin that leads to a higher rate of inflammation, therefore, higher levels of cortisol.

Here are some helpful activities to reduce stress

Sleep is very important to reduce and control cortisol in the body, 

Deep breathing is very important to reduce stress because oxygen is important to every cell in the body.

You must know that there are two types of respiratory functions in the body that work together due to the work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

When you have a high level of stress the sympathetic system will make your breathing faster and shorter, unlike your breathing when the parasympathetic system, is working which makes your breaths long and deep.

To stimulate the parasympathetic system to control your breaths, you must start to breathe more slowly and deeper, so it is better to take 6 breaths per minute ( the average of number of breaths per minute is around 12 )

To start doing the breathing exercise you should be sitting in a comfortable posture and start blocking your right nostril with your left finger and hold your breath as much as possible, then close the other nostril and exhale, so you will be using the full capacity of the lungs. 

Exercising is also important because it contributes to reducing cortisol in the body, and as for other physical activities such as walking, stretching, and yoga.

We hope that the information was helpful to help you live longer and better...

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