Honey bees products, surprising benefits and uses for remedies

Honey bees products, surprising benefits, and uses for remedies

We will talk today about 3 honey bees products, which are: bee propolis, pollen, and royal jelly, these products are made directly by bees and have some enormous power for healing, and can be used to prevent many diseases and help in many natural remedies, and we will know more about the health benefits of each one of them.

Disclaimer: You must know that there are people who are allergic to honey and honey bee products so you should not take any of honey bee products if you have an allergy, and it is also not recommended to use honey bee products for children under the age of one year because they may contain some bacteria that may cause toxicity to children.

Bee propolis

What is bee propolis?

Propolis is a gum substance secreted by bees to fill the voids in the hive to prevent the air from entering the honey, eggs, or larvae and to protect the hive from bacteria and viruses.

What are the health benefits of propolis?

Propolis is a strong natural antiviral and has antibacterial properties, very useful in the treatment of sore throats even without using any antibiotics or anti-inflammatory.

Propolis can be chewed like gum and cleans your teeth naturally, so It will be protecting you against caries and gingivitis because it eliminates the harmful bacteria in the mouth.

Propolis can be used as a treatment for stomach ulcers and especially if the ulcers are caused by stomach bacteria.

Propolis helps in treating any case of infection with any of the hepatic viruses because it was observed that bee sting and after releasing bee venom in the blood can help reduce the virus level in people infected with the hepatitis virus, especially the B and C types.

Propolis is a natural laxative and it is important for the health of your colon and prevents colon cancer because it improves digestion, due to its high content of digestive enzymes and by eliminating the harmful bacteria and viruses.

Propolis is a strong natural immune booster, which helps in reducing the risk of cancer.

Propolis is rich in nitric oxide, which expands and relaxes blood vessels and therefore you will a lower blood pressure.

Propolis can help in the treatment of food poisoning especially from staph aureus, staphylococcus, and Enterobacter bacteria.

Bee pollen

Where bee pollen come from?

The bees travel and absorb the nectar from the roses and flowers and help in pollinating the plants because it transfers the nectar from the female to the male to help the plants reproduce, but part of the nectar remains on the bees, so the bees put saliva with a little bit of honey and become what is called pollen grains.

Pollen is collected in the hive and used as food for the bees which is called beebread, and it is the food of the worker bees that work outside and inside the hive, and it is different from the queen bee's food.

What are the health benefits of pollen?

Natural mass gainer:

it is recommended to take bee pollen for people who want to increase muscle mass and weight gain because it contains a higher proportion of protein than meat and has digestive enzymes that help digest the protein and convert it into amino acids to accelerate the building process.

Natural anti-inflammatory:

Pollen has some powerful anti-inflammatory properties which reduce the inflammation level in the body.

Strong antioxidant:

Pollen contains Vitamins like A, C, and E, and all of these vitamins have strong antioxidant properties, therefore pollen works as a natural strong antioxidant that eliminates all free radicals from the body.

Immune booster:

Pollen can naturally strengthen the immune system by increasing the T cells responsible for fighting fungi and bacteria.

Fast healing and recovery process:

Pollen helps in the treatment of stomach ulcers, wounds, and injuries by accelerating the speed of healing and recovery and works as a disinfectant for wounds, pollen can be locally applied directly on the site of the wound or the injury.

Good friend for your liver:

Pollen helps in revitalizing the liver, which helps in getting rid of fatty liver and eliminating toxins.

Natural aphrodisiac in men and women:

Pollen can increase testosterone levels and reduces estrogen in men, which helps stimulate the liver to get rid of excess estrogen that comes from food, such as chicken, soy, and pesticides, it also contains a percentage of sulfur that is important for the liver and elimination of toxins.

Royal jelly

What is the royal jelly and where it comes from?

When the bee queen lays eggs in the hive, all the larvae are genetically identical, and after the eggs are hatched, some of the larvae are fed by some other type of bee honey product called fresh royal jelly, and the other larvae are fed by the ordinary bee pollen, therefore, the royal jelly is what contributes to the development of larvae into a future bee queen.

Usually, worker bees have a lifespan of few months, while the queen bee has a lifespan of 2 to 3 years, and the queen is throughout all her lifetime bigger, longer, and more fertile and healthier than worker bees and the bee queen is responsible for laying eggs.

What are the benefits and uses of royal jelly?

The royal jelly contains high amounts of protein and fatty acids, vitamin C, and vitamin E, as well as magnesium, potassium, sodium, digestive enzymes, and up to 250 natural components.

The royal jelly increases your energy and the building process in the body.

The Royal jelly increases fertility, by increases the level of estrogen in women, and testosterone in men, and increases the health of eggs and spermatozoids.

The royal jelly has some powerful anti-aging properties because it contains natural components that help improving brain health, memory, and brain function.

The royal jelly is a natural anti-inflammatory that reduces the inflammation level in the body.

It also improves skin because it contains a good amount of vitamin C and collagen, which are important for the elasticity and the radiance of the skin.

Royal jelly prevents osteoporosis because it helps in the absorption of calcium and transporting it to the bones and teeth.

It also contains double the amount of B vitamins complex, which are important for the health of the nervous system, and the blood.

Royal jelly can be taken as capsules from any drug store or naturally from 5 to 10 grams per day only, for two weeks, and then you must stop taking it for a month or two because it increases energy levels to very high levels, as it is primarily intended for bees and not for humans.

Nature is full of products and components that have powerful, surprising, and miraculous healing like honey bee products that can be used as natural treatments and also prevent many diseases...

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