Bodybuilding secrets for beginners

Body Building Secrets For Beginners

Today's topic is about building muscle mass, what are the basics that you should know and do before and after going to the gym?

What are muscle types, their role, and how to build muscle mass?

Today we will talk about skeletal muscles responsible for movement and motion.

Muscle mass is only maintained through exercise and physical activity because every year you lose 1 to 2% of your muscle mass.

How are muscles built?

The first rule to know about when talking about muscle building is exposing the muscle tissue to a physical effort that breaks down the muscle tissue, and thus the body rebuilds a new, stronger, and bigger muscle mass to repair the damage caused by this effort.

When you work out continuously, the muscle-building and recovery process is always active and so muscles are built.

What should you do before starting your workout?

warm-up is a very important step before exposing the muscle tissue to any effort to prevent muscle injury by doing cardio exercise or stretching before your workout for 5 to 10 minutes.

What are the rules to respect when you are performing any physical activity in the muscles?

You must know that most muscle exercises have a full range of two movements.

The contraction movement that you perform on your muscle in a direction to hit the muscle to contract it.

the relaxation movement in which the direction of the movement is the opposite of the contraction movement direction of the first movement.

Most people think that the contraction movement is the movement that will trigger your muscle-building process but the fact that the opposite is correct means performing the relaxation movement of the muscle is way more important than the contraction movement. a mistake when doing this area of ​​movement that they let gravity make the effort.

Instead of letting gravity do the relaxation movement, you should be the one who controls the movement.

The rest period should be short between every 2 sets or else if you let your muscle relax for too long more than 1 minute you will not benefit from the workout.

Nerves are also very important to the muscles because they are responsible for delivering the message from the brain to the muscle to perform the movement and to give the order for the muscle tissue to recover and be rebuilt.

Therefore, it is recommended to give the full range of movement for every muscle and to exercise slowly with a high focus on the sensation of the muscle that you are hitting to help your nerves to stimulate the muscle-building process.

What really happens to your muscles when you do weightlifting?

When you put extra or any heavy weight on your muscle, slight damage occurs in the muscle tissue, and inflammation takes place in this area, and this natural inflammation stimulates the immune cells to repair the damage in the muscle tissue and cells, so any lack of vitamins and minerals, unhealthy eating and high blood glucose, increase inflammation and weakens the immune system, therefore, it affects negatively your muscle building.

What are the essential nutrients for bodybuilding and muscles?

Vitamin D, magnesium, and potassium are the most important vitamins and minerals for building muscles.

Foods rich in potassium and magnesium are green leafy vegetables and avocados.

How to choose the right weight for you to benefit from your workout?

You must complete the repetitions of your exercise until you feel tired and you cannot lift the weight again because at this stage only the muscle is in tension that stimulates the muscle-building process that occurs after this slight damage.

Through this exercise, you can find out the weight that exhausts your muscle because, for example, if you're doing a movement and repeat it 10 or 12 repetitions without feeling exhausted and you are not able to complete your repetitions, this means that this weight is too light on your muscle and you need a heavier weight to benefit from the workout by causing muscle fatigue.

What is the right amount of protein to eat to maintain and increase your muscle mass?

Protein is an essential food category for the building process in the body, especially for muscles.

the daily protein amount must be known according to the person’s weight because protein is the only nutrient that the body does not store, unlike carbs and fats.

Every 1kg of your body weight needs between 1-2 g of protein, for example, if your weight is 80 kg your daily protein intake should be between 80 and 160 g of protein.

You must know that the percentage of protein in food is not full and this percentage varies from one food to another, for example, 100 grams of chicken breast contains 30 grams of protein.

It makes no difference to take your protein before or after the workout, as long you are taking your daily needs of protein.

Vegetables are also very important for protein metabolism because they are rich in potassium. 

When your muscle-building process occurs?

At night, when sleeping the muscle-building process occurs, it is recommended to sleep not less than 6 or 8 hours per day a good quality sleep.

The muscle-building process happens when you have enough growth hormone in your body.

The enemies of growth hormone are the big numbers of meals during the day because this increases insulin levels, which reduces the growth hormone level, and also cortisol, which is released due to high-stress levels, which affects muscle building. 

Knowing the basics of the muscle-building process in the body including workout, nutrition, and lifestyle is very important for beginners to achieve their goals and to see progress and results at the gym...

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